
Heaven and Hell Begin in the Mind

Zeynep Ölçer 0 comments

No matter how strong our search for heaven on earth is, the most fundamental truth of this search actually begins within us. It is our mind that creates heaven and hell. True peace is hidden in our mental world, not in external conditions. Unless we direct our minds to heaven, we have no chance...
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Why do things we fear happen to us?

Zeynep Ölçer 0 comments

Resistance refers to the intense emotional reactions we have to things we do not want or fear, which attract more of these situations into our lives. This is also explained in daily life with proverbs such as “The grass you do not want grows right under your nose” or “The thing you fear will...
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Beautify Your Life With This Perspective!

Zeynep Ölçer 0 comments

How we interpret every moment and every event in our lives largely depends on our perspective. This shows that we are free not only in our choices but also in our approach to events. The saying, “Those who see beautifully think beautifully, those who think beautifully enjoy their lives” indicates that it is completely...
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The Importance of Balance of Give-Receive

Zeynep Ölçer 0 comments

Everything in the universe progresses in a cycle and balance; just as we take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide with every breath we take, we need to give something in return for everything we take. The law of giving and taking that underlies this balance manifests itself in many areas of life,...
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Realize Your Attachments and Get Rid of Them

Zeynep Ölçer 0 comments

Humans naturally want to love, value, and feel like they belong somewhere. For this reason, they tend to be attached not only to people but also to objects and situations. The things we own, the desire for status, recognition, or approval seem to help us feel secure and valuable. However, over time, these attachments...
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