Dış Kapınızın Bereket Enerjisine Etkisi
Zeynep Ölçer 0 comments
Evin dış kapısı, tıpkı bir insanın ağzı gibidir; eve giren her şey o kapıdan geçerek içeri girer. Bu nedenle dış kapı ve ilk giriş alanı, evinizin enerjisini doğrudan etkiler ve bereket akışının yönünü belirler. Kapınızın temiz, bakımlı ve düzenli olması, eve giren pozitif enerjinin gücünü artırır. İlk kapının açıldığı anda görünen yer ise sizin...
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How Do We Raise Our Consciousness?
Zeynep Ölçer 0 comments
In today’s world, most people are in a constant rush just to meet the needs of their physical bodies. Getting up early in the morning, going to work, working at an intense pace all day long, and then returning home exhausted has become a routine for many people. In this process, the effort to...
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Abundance Consciousness: The Consciousness Shift That Will Change Your Life
Zeynep Ölçer 0 comments
Many times throughout our lives, we are raised with beliefs that resources are limited: “Money is hard to come by,” “There’s not enough opportunity for everyone,” or “Things are getting harder.” But these thoughts keep us in a scarcity mindset and distance us from the energy of abundance. Shifting to an abundance mindset can...
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